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IC 书

集成电路制造技术 , 作者:张亚非段力 编著,  出版社:上海交通大学出版社出版时间:2018年10月 

quote: YF Zhang and Franklin Li Duan, "IC manufacturing technology", Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press ISBN 9787313186515, 2018. https://baike.baidu.com/item/集成电路制造技术/60017543?fr=aladdin

网上阅读 样书 you can click here.








1. https://www.t-head.cn/   平头哥是阿里巴巴旗下的半导体有限公司。2018年9月19日,阿里巴巴首席技术官张建锋在云栖大会上表示,阿里巴巴成立平头哥半导体有限公司。

1.23 EDA synopsis, Cadence, Mentor

1.5 华为

2. https://www.dji.com/jp  大疆创新是深圳市大疆创新科技有限公司旗下的无人机品牌。
3. https://www.oppo.com/cn/  OPPO广东移动通信有限公司,总部位于东莞市长安镇,是专注于终端产品、软件和互联网服务的科技公司,由陈明永创办于2004年。 
4. 上海壁仞智能科技有限公司于2019年09月09日成立。??? 






Training and Consulting

Education and Training on Semiconductor Device and Technology

The consultant team is an elite of semiconductor / IC experts with many years industry experience in IC foundries and IDMs. The team members also have a strong college and academic background on semiconductor knowledge; many hold Science / Engineering Ph.D. degrees. This enables the team to offer the professional training and education on semiconductor high-tech, semiconductor physics and device principles, technology and engineering, reliability and quality. The team is also offers knowledge and experience on global semiconductor job marketing / hunting, EDA tools including IC modeling, Layout, simulation, and semiconductor front-end and backend processing.

Consulting on Semiconductor Business and Industry

Consulting service on Fabless (fabrication-less) Semiconductor Companies and Integrated Device Manufacturers (IDMs) with Semiconductor Fabrication Foundries (pure-play IC foundry) and professional training and education on semiconductor and IC. We provide IDM clients wishing to leverage the advantages and differentiation that customized semiconductor technology brings to their products.

The consultant team is an elite of semiconductor / IC experts with many years industry experience in IC foundries and IDMs. The team functions as a bridges to link the two big semiconductor families: Fabless and Foundry together, in order to integrate the design, fabrication, packaging and testing into a product chain. We understand that product cost is important. Therefore we are not tied to one semiconductor manufacturer or foundry but choose the best process considering the technology required and balance between NRE and unit cost. Specifically, the team is specializing geographically on the US design houses and the Chinese IC foundries. Consulting business covers broad range of foundry technologies from 0.35μm to 45nm, with various CMOS and Flash products, such as CPU/GPU, FPGA/ASIC, and Flash chips. With a depth of experience spanning not just the IC design but also the whole semiconductor industry, we can guide you through all the supply chain issues such as silicon process technology and foundry selection as well data processing architectures, software algorithms and embedded systems software.

The team not only has rich knowledge and experience on design / manufacturing / testing, but also is talented on linking the new ideas and business plans with the real practice and technologies and convert the idea into product. With our rich experience on industry and market, we'll help the customer to make the valid strategy judgment to reduce business risk, and do the right evaluation on product market, to make the product more user-friendly, to reduce product cost so as to accelerate return on investment, and to estimate manufacturability, cost, technology and reliability. The consultant team help IDMs in design and sale of hardware devices and semiconductor chips while outsourcing the fabrication to the cutting-edge technology semiconductor foundry with optimized low costs.



运用专门的知识和经验。 思想型公司: 技术性公司:要将新的思想应用于实践,必须将其演进成具体的技术,咨询师要结合企业有自身的个性特点,把他们的方案转化为实际行动。方法型公司:咨询是思想和技术应用于实践指导的服务过程,不是知识和技术,而是实实在在的解决方案;一个好的咨询方案的产生应是互动式的。即整个方案的产生应是建立在双方进行充分而广泛的沟通基础上的,而不能是闭门造车,这种互动不只是跟最高层的,而是还包括同中层、基层管理人员进行的沟通与了解,达成一种共识的标准然后根据这个标准对可选方案进行评价,最后得出最终方案。这就是所谓的“量体裁衣”。

A consultant is an expert in a specific area who works as an adviser to a business or to another person. There are several consultation areas to choose from, including accounting, business writing, career counseling, gardening and public relations.

Consulting service on Fabless (fabrication-less) Semiconductor Companies and Integrated Device Manufacturers (IDMs) such as AMD, LSI, Lattice, ... and famous Semiconductor Fabrication Foundry (pure-play IC foundry) such as SMIC, TSMC, Global Foundry...), Consulting on IC design, manufacturing and testing, broad range of technologies from 0.35μm to 45nm, with capabilities that include logic, mixed-signal/RF CMOS, high voltage, SoC, flash






中芯, 0.35微米到45/40纳米 中芯国际总部位于上海,在上海建有一座300mm晶圆厂和三座200mm晶圆厂。在北京建有两座300mm晶圆厂,在天津建有一座200mm晶圆厂,在深圳有一座200mm晶圆厂在兴建中。

上海宏力 公司于2003年投产, 公司位于上海浦东张江高科技园区,员工超过1,600人。0.35微米到90nm


TSMC台湾积体电路制造股份有限公司 世界上最大的半导体代工企业市场占有率是46%,上海松江10厂本科毕业3500+600,包吃住,14%住房公积金,一年14个月薪水。每年6月还发放长期激励奖金。

SMIC中芯国际集成电路制造有限公司,目前国内最大的晶圆厂,在上海,北京,成都都有厂区。主要在上海张江科技园2600,每年16-18个月。 & d- f) N9 f) N& S1 m

HHNEC---上海华虹NEC电子有限公司,每年薪水合计大概6万左右,比台积和海力士稍低,但是工作轻松些。( L# x( Y" z" E

GSMC---宏力半导体制造有限公司,半国有企业,薪水和中芯差不多,工作相对轻松。上海张江科技园内。4 }" F! G( c% q% z

上海先进半导体制造股份有限公司,3200一个月,一年14个月,吃饭,房子和座车都有补贴。; |5 V0 U8 P6 u. b/ s" P# Q

和舰科技(苏州)有限公司 ,是台湾联电在大陆的一个附属厂,薪水一个月4000,和台积差不多,但是据说工程师很累,主要是苏州园区的公积金是不能带走的,只能在那边买房子。

Hynix-ST---海力士-意法半导体有限公司,在半导体行业是待遇最好的了,公司在江苏无锡。本科每个月4500-5500之间,但是工资是加班加来的。并且工厂好象不大安全, 老是有化学品泄露事件。

CSWC---华润晶芯半导体有限公司,本科3000-4000之间,江苏无锡。/ B2 J5 ^" m% ! R3 p! }7 ^

WXIC---武汉新芯积体电路制造有限公司,2007年下半年才投入生产,由中芯国际管理的独立半导体企业,武汉市==大力资助。薪水不明了,据说是2600左右每个月,平均一年下来工资也有3-4万之间。对于想留武汉的是个不错的选择。* y0 ~; X2 U8 M



晶体管那个小东西就是肖克利 William Bradford Shockley(威廉·肖克利) 和另外两个人在1947年发明的。

那么为什么硅谷会在加州诞生?当时他妈妈住在加州Palo Alto,为了离家近点,他于是决定把公司设立在家门口不远处的加州山景城(Mountain View)。这就是硅谷的火种,这件事情的延续发展,最终导致“硅谷”的诞生。Shockley在为人方面有点问题,有点domineering,有点paranoid,只能在大学里广招人才,据说招来了一拨高材生。这是这帮人,成为了后来硅谷的英雄般的人物!

仙童公司 - 硅谷的黄埔军校

Intel, National Semiconductor,AMD,LSILogic等等,都是仙童人开办的,可以说,当今硅谷半导体大企业,原本溯源,根子都在仙童。八个人也叫“仙童八杰”("Fairchild Eight" )。

Gordon Earle Moore,他就是大名鼎鼎的摩尔定律(Moore's law)的发明人。Robert Noyce 他是集成电路的发明人之一(另外一个获得了诺贝尔奖克·基尔比(Jack S.Kilby)),Moore和Noyce在1968年创建了大名鼎鼎的Intel公司。 Intel公司现在这种家庭式、团队精神的企业文化基本都是来自Bob Noyce的管理风格,这种管理风格影响了整个硅谷,

美国第二大做个人电脑CPU的半导体公司AMD也是当年仙童半导体的人Jerry Sanders出来创立的。

Intel公司后来著名的CEO Andy Grove,当年也是仙童半导体出来的。

LSI Logic Corp的创始人Wilfred J. Corrigan也是仙童半导体出来的。



IC 咨询业

IC Layout, front-end and backend, IC manufacture


IC生产可行性、生产成本评估: 根据客户的设计,市场需求,结合国内外行业生产情况评估IC生产的成本及可行性

IC失效分析及可靠性测试等: 根据客户产品应用提供可靠性测试方案并执行,协助客户进行失效分析等








Consulting service on Fabless (fabrication-less) Semiconductor Companies and Integrated Device Manufacturers (IDMs) such as AMD, LSI, Lattice, ... and famous Semiconductor Fabrication Foundry (pure-play IC foundry) such as SMIC, TSMC, Global Foundry...), Consulting on IC design, manufacturing and testing, broad range of technologies from 0.35μm to 45nm, with capabilities that include logic, mixed-signal/RF CMOS, high voltage, SoC, flash




About IC Consulting

Semiconductor & ASIC
Cambridge Consultants provides a comprehensive Integrated Circuit (IC) design capability for clients wishing to leverage the advantages and differentiation that customized semiconductor technology brings to their products. Our experienced team can guide you through the entire Application-Specific IC (ASIC) development process.
Distinct from many design service companies, we do not restrict our thinking to the IC alone. We approach designs from the product architecture perspective, ensuring that your investment yields the maximum value and feature set, making it a true System on Chip.
With a depth of experience spanning not just the IC design but also the whole semiconductor industry, we can guide you through all the supply chain issues such as silicon process technology and foundry selection as well data processing architectures, software algorithms and embedded systems software.
We are world leaders in analogue mixed-signal and wireless system design and we have developed complete RF on CMOS single chip radio solutions for wireless standards such as ERMES, and ZigBee, as well as custom radios for specialised applications such as ultra-low power sensors and medical devices using 433, 868 and 915 MHz ISM bands.
We have designed ICs for volumes ranging from a few hundred for an aerospace application, through tens of thousands for medical instruments, to tens of millions for consumer products. We know total product cost is important and we select the right technology for each project. We are not tied to any semiconductor manufacturer or foundry; we choose the best process considering the technology required and balance between NRE and unit cost. Our client portfolio includes both product businesses and semiconductor companies ranging from major IDMs through fabless semiconductor companies to start-ups.
Our expertise spans many markets including medical, industrial, communications and consumer so we can transfer best practice between market domains. We go out of our way to understand your product requirements and we are able to introduce technology and Intellectual Property including our XAP processors, the APE2 DSP and analogue components from the CCLASIC portfolio. Combining proven IP with design experience is the key to reducing business risk, reducing product cost and accelerating return on investment.






1. IC咖啡







is a leading Professional Search and Talent Acquisition Firm in the IC and electronics industry in China. Our clients are mainly European and American semiconductor and electronics companies.







胡运旺 总经理





地址:上海市浦东南路1085号华申大厦 1308-1310室






KTHR----We focus on IC industry




General Manager


Privately Held; 11-50 employees; Staffing and Recruiting industry

July 2001 – Present (10 years 10 months)

KTHR is a leading professional talent search and placement firm, specializing in the IC and electronics industries in China. KTHR has a long-term relationship and works closely with more than 40 IC companies. such as ADI,ARM,Verigy, Atheros, MIPS, Conexant,Alpha & Omega,DiBcom etc.

Focusing on aspects like:

Sr Positions(GM,Director,Sr Mgr/Mgr)

IC Design(Analog,Digital,Firmware,PR/layout,CAD)

IC Application(FAE,AE,hardware,Embedded Software)

IC Manufacturing(Process,Assembly,Quality,Test)

IC Marketing(IC Sales/Marketing)


You are welcome to access blow link for more information about us;http://www.kthr.com/

Yunwang Hu(H) has 2 recommendations (2 clients) including:

3rd Richard L.

2nd Yi Zhang


Shanghai Jiao Tong University

International Venture Capital Specialist Certificate Course

2007 – 2008


East China Normal University


1993 – 1997


Recommendations For Yunwang Hu(H)

General Manager


“I have known Yunwang for more than 5 years and he has been very helpful in helping recruiting IC engineers. Yunwang is always engergetic, full of ideas, and available to help find the right candidates. His team and database offer a superb means of accessing thousands of IC/software engineers. Whenever I needed high quality engineers I turned to Yunwang and I was never disappointed. He offers results!” June 9, 2009

Top qualities: Personable, Expert, On Time

3rd Richard L.

hired Yunwang Hu(H) as a Recruiter in 2004, and hired Yunwang Hu(H) more than once

“I knew Yunwang well before Leadchip was founded. He is always willing to help people so that he has good friends in almost all the major power IC companies in China. Yunwang’s company has been no doubt Leadchip’s best recruitment channel. I was often amazed by Yunwang’s database and his search engine, especially for local engineers. No matter whom I mentioned, he almost for sure could offer me a detailed resume in 1-2 days. Yunwang and his company is a wonderful choice for startups and companies plan to expand in China.” March 8, 2009

Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert

2nd Yi Zhang

hired Yunwang Hu(H) as a Recruiter in 2004所以说“工程之中无小事,有事必有原因”。一定要找到原因。




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