
方向1. 航空发动机涡轮叶片表面MEMS传感器与原位集成天线; 2. IC集成、FBAR/SAW等RF器件;3.航空航天高温无线射频遥感测量; 详见:http://km2000.us/franklinduan/publication.html 
亮点:1. 培养目标导向性强:从学习态过渡到工作态、从答题态过渡到 会问问题(学会问出即可行又必要的好题目);2. 课题应用性极强:a航空发动机是工业皇冠上的明珠,是C919的心脏,b中国芯+RF无线遥感 = IoT+AI,都有重大应用和战略意义。
简介1985年和1987年清华大学学士和硕士毕业,1998年美国George Mason博士,在硅谷工作了15多年(LSI和AMD),参与了IC开发工艺(从0.13微米 - 45纳米)。2013年加入交大微纳院团队,从事航空发动机涡轮叶片表面原位集成薄膜传感器及FBAR、SAW等RF分立器件产业化方向。


The value of being an advisor
My goal:as a graduate student advisor is to guide the students to fulfill a good project. And, very importantly, to help the them to build enough capability to find and to fulfill their future dream job(s). This capability includes not only their academic faculty but also good EQ quality for career success.

About me, I graduated from Tsinghua University in 1985 and 1987 respectively for B.E. and M.E., and a Ph.D. in George Mason University in Virginia USA in 1998. I worked in Semiconductor and IC industries in Silicon Valley, California for 20 years. In 2013 I joined Shanghai Jiaotong University.




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