柯林顿吃中式素食,成功甩肉10kg http://km2000.us/mywritings/obamabrazilvegan2.html





关于这个手术,插播一条花絮。去年12月17日,CNN名嘴拉里·金(Larry King)在其职业生涯最后一场《拉里·金现场》中,对克林顿进行采访时称他们同属“拉链俱乐部”。要知道,拉里·金有过数次婚姻,克林顿当年的韵事大家也很清楚。在小小尴尬后,拉里·金巧妙圆话说:“我说的拉链是心脏搭桥手术的劈开胸骨。”



  • 视频:柯林顿告别肉类和奶制品,每餐几乎只吃蔬果和豆类,短短2个月内甩肉10公斤

去年9月21日,克林顿在接受CNN主持人沃尔夫·布利策(Wolf Blitzer 视频 ) 访谈时,曾专门谈到他减肥背后的秘密。按照电视画面内容,克林顿采用了“植物性饮食”,靠“豆类、荚果、蔬菜和水果”为食,每天早上饮用一些蛋白质补充剂,但“不吃乳制品”,此外,只食用少许鱼肉。在严格的素食谱后,克林顿体重减轻约11公斤,回复到高中时水平。



此外,克林顿还提到了四位研究者的名字,分别是美国克里夫兰医学中心外科医生考德威尔·埃塞尔斯廷(Caldwell B. Esselstyn)博士、加州大学临床系教授迪安·欧尼斯(Dean Ornish)博士、《中国健康调查报告》(The China Study)一书作者坎贝尔父子,即柯林·坎贝尔(Colin Campbell)与托马斯·坎贝尔(Thmoas Campbell)。正是这些人数十年的研究结果,成为克林顿坚持素食的基础。


克林顿选择素食入了CNN的头条:August 18, 2011 7:15 a.m. EDT



  • Clinton's dietary saga began in 1993, when Hillary sought healthier food for the White House
  • After a stent procedure, Clinton decided to make profound changes in the way he eats
  • The former president now says he consumes no meat, no dairy, no eggs and almost no oil



Forum comments

We are talking about the health, meat and diary food just have too much poisons nowadays. The 21th century meat and diary are not the same things as 10 years ago, too much growing hormones and antibiotics. Don't just watch the TVs and newspapers, they are highly sponsored by these food industries. Internet is more unbiased nowadays.

In fact, when the time comes, sooner or later, for oneself, you would not really care about your healthy and food you eat, like Bill Clinton.


One thing for sure is Cliton is not a stupid retard. Top reasons for us to choose the food are: I feel good. I feel energetic. I feel light. Our feeling after meal is the most accurate feedback, esp. when comparing with the previous eating habit of heavy meat and dairy product, esp. when you are already sick and need good energy to recover. The 21th century meat and diary are not the same things as 10 years ago, too much growing hormones and antibiotics.



Our feeling after meal is the most accurate feedback, esp. when comparing with the previous eating habit of heavy meat and dairy product, esp. when you are already sick and need good energy to recover. Top reason: I feel good. I feel energetic. I feel light.


It is the health, not the other things. In fact, when the time comes, sooner or later, for oneself, you would not really care about your healthy and food you eat, like Bill Clinton.

Meat and diary food just have too much poisons nowadays. They are not the same things as 10 years ago, too much growing hormones and antibiotics. Don't just watch the TVs and newspapers, they are highly sponsored by these food industries. Internet is more unbiased nowadays.


It is not about nutrition. It is about the "poisons" in the food and how you feel after you eating them. Top reasons to continue your eating style are: I feel good. I feel energetic. I feel light.

Our feeling after meal is the most accurate feedback, esp. when comparing with the previous eating habit of heavy meat and dairy product, esp. when you are already sick and need good energy to recover. The 21th century meat and diary are not the same things as 10 years ago, too much growing hormones and antibiotics.

