Minimum Pulse Width Analysis

This example uses a pass/fail bisectional search to find a minimum pulse width required to allow the input pulse to propagate to the output of an inverter. The circuit for this example is /bisect/inv_a.sp . in the $installdir/demo/hspice directory. The results of this demo are shown in Results of Bisectional Pass/Fail Search.

Input listing

File: $installdir/demo/bisect/inv_a.sp
$ Inv_a.sp testing bisectional search, cload=10p & 20p
* Parameters
.PARAM Cload			=10p				$ See end of deck for Alter
.PARAM Tpw			=opt1(0,0,15n)				$ Used in Pulsed Voltage Source, v1
* Transient simulation with PassFail Optimization
.TRAN .1n 20n Sweep 				Optimize		= Opt1
+				results		= Tprop
+				Model		= Optmod
.MODEL OptMod Opt 				Method =		PassFail
.MEASURE Tran Tprop 				Trig v(in) 		Val=2.5 Rise=1
+				Targ v(out) 		val=2.5 Rall=1
.OPTION nomod acct=3 post autostop
* The Circuit
vcc 1 0 5
vin in 0 pulse(0,5 1n 1n 1n Tpw 20n)
rin in 0 1e13
rout out 0 10k 
cout out 0 cload 
x1 in out inv
.SUBCKT Inv in out
	 mn out in 0 0 nch W=10u L=1u
	 mp out in 1 1 pch W=10u L=1u
* Models
+ mult1=1 xl=0.06u xwn=0.3u xwp=0.3u 
+ tox=200 delvton=0 delvtop=0 rshn=50
+ rshp=150
.MODEL nch nmos
+ LEVEL=28
+ lmlt=mult1 wmlt=mult1 wref=22u lref=4.4u
+ xl=xl xw=xwn tox=tox delvto=delvton rsh=rshn
+ ld=0.06u wd=0.2u acm=2 ldif=0 hdif=2.5u
+ rs=0 rd=0 rdc=0 rsc=0 js=3e-04 jsw=9e-10
+ cj=3e-04 mj=.5 pb=.8 cjsw=3e-10 mjsw=.3 php=.8
+ fc=.5 capop=4 xqc=.4 meto=0.08u
+ tlev=1 cta=0 ctp=0 tlevc=0 nlev=0
+ trs=1.6e-03 bex=-1.5 tcv=1.4e-03
* dc model
+ x2e=0 x3e=0 x2u1=0 x2ms=0 x2u0=0 x2m=0
+ vfb0=-.5 phi0=0.65 k1=.9 k2=.1 eta0=0
+ muz=500 u00=.075 x3ms=15 u1=.02 x3u1=0
+ b1=.28 b2=.22 x33m=0.000000e+00
+ alpha=1.5 vcr=20 n0=1.6 wfac=15 wfacu=0.25
+ lvfb=0 lk1=.025 lk2=.05 lalpha=5
.Model pch pmos
+ LEVEL=28
+ lmlt=mult1 wmlt=mult1 wref=22u lref=4.4u
+ xl=xl xw=xwp tox=tox delvto=delvtop rsh=rshp
+ ld=0.08u wd=0.2u acm=2 ldif=0 hdif=2.5u
+ rs=0 rd=0 rdc=0 rsc=0 rsh=rshp js=3e-04 jsw=9e-10
+ cj=3e-04 mj=.5 pb=.8 cjsw=3e-10 mjsw=.3 php=.8 
+ fc=.5 capop=4 xqc=.4 meto=0.08u
+ tlev=1 cta=0 ctp=0 tlevc=0 nlev=0
+ trs=1.6e-03 bex=-1.5 tcv=-1.7e-03
* dc model
+ x2e=0 x3e=0 x2u1=0 x2ms=0 x2u0=0 x2m=5
+ vfb0=-.1 phi0=0.65 k1=.35 k2=0 eta0=0
+ muz=200 u00=.175 x3ms=8 u1=0 x3u1=0.0
+ b1=.25 b2=.25 x33m=0.0 alpha=0 vcr=20
+ n0=1.3 wfac=12.5 wfacu=.2 lvfb=0 lk1=-.05
* Alter for second load value
.ALTER $ repeat optimization for 20p load
.PARAM Cload=20p


Results of Bisectional Pass/Fail Search shows the results of the pass/fail search for two different capacitive loads.


Figure 30-5: Results of Bisectional Pass/Fail Search


Star-Hspice Manual - Release 2001.2 - June 2001