Running the MOS I-V and C-V Plotting Demo

It is often necessary to review the basic transistor characteristics to diagnose a simulation or modeling problem. This demonstration file, $installdir/demo/hspice/mos/mosivcv.sp, is a template file that can be used with any MOS model. The example shows the easy input file creation and the complete graphical results display. The following features aid model evaluations:


Sets the element units to microns from meters since users generally think in microns rather than meters


Forces the voltage variable capacitors to be evaluated during a DC sweep

node names

Makes the circuit easy to understand. Up to 16 characters can be used in the symbolic name


.GRAPH statements create high resolution plots. A graph model can be added to set additional characteristics

This template provides the ability to get plots of internal variables such as:


i1, i2, i3, or i4 can specify the true branch currents for each transistor node


Total gate capacitance (C-V plot)


Gate transconductance GM. (LX8 specifies GDS, and LX9 specifies GMB)


Figure 31-4: MOS IDS Plot


Figure 31-5: MOS VGS Plot
Figure 31-6: MOS GM Plot


Figure 31-7: MOS C-V Plot

MOS I-V and C-V Plot Example Input File

.DC VDDN 0 5.0 .1 $VBBN 0 -3 -3      sweep supplies
.PARAM ww=8 LL=2
$ ids-vds curves
.GRAPH 'I_VG=1' =I(MN1) 'I_VG=2' =I(MN2) 'I_VG=3' =I(MN3)
+ 'I_VG=4' =I(MN4)
.GRAPH 'I_VG=-1'=I(MP1) 'I_VG=-2'=I(MP2) 'I_VG=-3'=I(MP3)
+ 'I_VG=-4'=I(MP4)
$ ids-VGs curves
.GRAPH 'I_VD=.5'=I(MN6) 'I_VD=-.5'=I(MP6)
$ gate caps (cgs+cgd+cgb)
$ gm
.GRAPH 'GM_N'=LX7(MN6) 'GM_P'=LX7(MP6)
VDDN vdd_n gnd 5.0
VBBN vbb_n gnd 0.0
EPD  vdd_p gnd vdd_n gnd -1   $ reflect vdd for P devices
EPB  vbb_p gnd vbb_n gnd -1   $ reflect vbb for P devices
V1  vg1  gnd 1
V2  vg2  gnd 2
V3  vg3  gnd 3
V4  vg4  gnd 4
V5  vddlow_n  gnd .5
V-1 vg-1 gnd -1
V-2 vg-2 gnd -2
V-3 vg-3 gnd -3
V-4 vg-4 gnd -4
V-5 vddlow_p gnd -.5
MN1  vdd_n  vg1  gnd vbb_n N  W=ww L=LL
MN2  vdd_n  vg2  gnd vbb_n N  W=ww L=LL
MN3  vdd_n  vg3  gnd vbb_n N  W=ww L=LL
MN4  vdd_n  vg4  gnd vbb_n N  W=ww L=LL
MP1  gnd vg-1 vdd_p vbb_p P  W=ww L=LL
MP2  gnd vg-2 vdd_p vbb_p P  W=ww L=LL
MP3  gnd vg-3 vdd_p vbb_p P  W=ww L=LL
MP4  gnd vg-4 vdd_p vbb_p P  W=ww L=LL
MN6  vddlow_n vdd_n  gnd vbb_n N  W=ww L=LL
MP6  gnd vdd_p vddlow_p vbb_p P  W=ww L=LL
.MODEL      N  NMOS LEVEL=3   VTO=0.7  UO=500    KAPPA=.25
+ KP=30U    ETA=.01 THETA=.04 VMAX=2E5 NSUB=9E16 TOX=400
+ GAMMA=1.5 PB=0.6  JS=.1M    XJ=0.5U  LD=0.1U   NFS=1E11
+ NSS=2E10  RSH=80  CJ=.3M    MJ=0.5   CJSW=.1N  MJSW=0.3
+ acm=2     capop=4
.MODEL      P   PMOS LEVEL=3   VTO=-0.8 UO=150   KAPPA=.25
+ KP=15U    ETA=.015 THETA=.04 VMAX=5E4 NSUB=1.8E16 TOX=400
+ GAMMA=.67 PB=0.6   JS=.1M    XJ=0.5U  LD=0.15U NFS=1E11
+ NSS=2E10  RSH=80   CJ=.3M    MJ=0.5   CJSW=.1N MJSW=0.3
+ acm=2     capop=4
Star-Hspice Manual - Release 2001.2 - June 2001