The world is a school. In the school, our job is to learn, not to achieve. ♣ ♣ We don't change the world; the world is classroom for us to practice our life, to enlighten ourselves and to appreciate life. ♥ Be veg is an consciousness, an awareness, a healthy living attitude. Being veggie is a green charity.

Our Life has 7 colors

Life is a river. We have life b4 and after.

Why live?

Many believe life is to enjoy. Many don't believe life is suffering or of bad luck.

But only enjoy or rich is not the Life - could be too boring; neither the suffering/bad luck, 'cause too occupied to survive and no time to ...

Life is a balance of enjoy and suffering. Both are good ingredients of Life. Life is a balance of Yin and Yang. We need both.

Human and Space

I mySelf:Who am I, the meaning of life, health, Self, ego, life and death, illness, liberation ...

I and people:Civilization, man and woman, education, war and peace, forgiveness, politics, rich and poor...

I and natural:Science, earth, eco, universe, energy, money, vegan, food... 

I and time:Pass life and futural life, evolution, spiritual journey.

I and ET:ET, Mars, how to talk to ET

I and GodGod, Buddha, religions, heaven, karma, spiritual, wisdom and love...

I and happiness:Inner bliss,  contentment, Zen, peacefulness, money and rich, sickness, balanced, forgiveness ...

blog: Why tired and boring of life?

Many believe life is to enjoy. Many don't believe life is suffering or of bad luck.

But only enjoy or rich is not the life, neither the suffering or bad luck. Life is the balance of enjoy and suffering. Both are good ingredients of Life. Life is a balance of Yin and Yang.