
The general syntax of an element card for input/output buffers is:

General Form

bname node_1 node_2 ... node_N keyword_1 = value_1 ...
+ [keyword_M = value_M]



Is the buffer name and starts with the letter B.

node_1 node_2 ... node_N

Is a list of input/output buffer external nodes. The number of nodes and their meaning are specific to different buffer types.

keyword_i = value_i

Assigns value value_i to the keyword keyword_i. Optional keywords are given in square brackets.

See Using IBIS Models for information on the keywords.

B1 nd_pc nd_gc nd_in nd_out_of_in
+ buffer = 1
+ file = 'test.ibs'
+ model = 'IBIS_IN'

This example represents an input buffer, B1, with the 4 terminals nd_pc , nd_gc , nd_in and nd_out_of_in. The IBIS model IBIS_IN is located in the IBIS file named test.ibs. Note that nodes nd_pc and nd_gc are connected by Star-Hspice to the voltage sources. Therefore, users should not connect these nodes to voltage sources. See Using IBIS Models for more examples.



Star-Hspice Manual - Release 2001.2 - June 2001