You can start Star-Hspice in either a prompting mode or a nonprompting command line mode.
Use the following procedure to start Star-Hspice in the prompting mode.
1. cd to your Star-Hspice run directory and type:
2. The following prompt appears:
3. Enter the name of your Star-Hspice input netlist file. If you do not include a file name extension, Star-Hspice looks for the file name with an .sp extension.
If no file name exists with the name you enter, the following message appears and the Star-Hspice startup script terminates:
**error** Cannot open input file <filename>
4. The following prompt appears:
Enter output file name or directory:
5. Enter the path and name you want to give the Star-Hspice output listing file.
The default is the input file name with a
6. A numbered list of the Star-Hspice versions that are available appears, followed by a prompt to specify the version you want to run. Enter the number in the list of the Star-Hspice version you want to run.
7. For releases of Star-Hspice prior to Release H93A.02, the following prompt
How much memory is needed for this run?
Enter the number of 8-byte words of memory you want to allocate for the Star-Hspice run.
8. The following prompt appears:
The default is to use the standard system priority.
Run Star-Hspice at a lower priority? (y,n) [n]
9. To use the default priority, enter n, or just press Return.
To specify the priority, enter y. The following prompt appears:
HINT: The larger the number the lower the priority.
Enter the priority scheduling factor: (5 10 15 20) [15]
The default is 15. Enter your choice from the list of factors.
Star-Hspice accepts the following arguments when run in the nonprompting command line mode:
hspice <-i> <path/>input_file <-v HSPICE_version>
+ <-n number> <-a arch> <-o path>/output_file>
Available Star-Hspice command arguments are listed in Star-Hspice Command Options.
You do not need to include a filename extension in the output file specification. Star-Hspice names it output_file.lis . In output file names, Star-Hspice considers everything up to the final period to be the root filename, and everything following the last period to be the filename extension.
If you do not enter an output filename with the -o option, the input root filename is used as the output file root filename. If you include the extension .lis in the filename you enter with -o, Star-Hspice does not append another .lis extension to the output file root filename.
If no output file is specified, output is directed to the terminal. Use the following syntax to redirect the output to a file instead of the terminal:
hspice input_file <-v HSPICE_version> <-n number> <-a arch> > output_file
For example, for the invocation command
hspice demo.sp -v /usr/meta/96 -n 7 -a sun4 > demo.out
Is the input netlist file; the . sp extension to the input filename is optional |
Starts the output data file revision numbers at 7: demo.tr7, demo.ac7, and demo.sw7 |
Some additional examples of Star-Hspice commands are explained below.
"demo" is the root filename. Output files are named demo.lis, demo.tr0, demo.st0, and demo.ic.
"demo" is the output file root name (designated by the -o option). Output files are named demo.lis, demo.tr0, demo.st0, and demo.ic.
"demo" is the root name. Output files demo.lis, demo.tr0, and demo.st0 are written in the directory where the Star-Hspice command is executed. Output file demo.ic is written in the same directory as the input source, that is, rbdir.
"a.b" is the root name. The output files are ./a.b.lis, ./a.b.tr0, ./a.b.st0, and ./a.b.ic.
"a.b" is the root name for the input file.
"d.e" is the root for output file names except for the .ic file, which is given the input file root name "a.b". The output files are d.e.lis, d.e.tr0, d.e.st0, and a.b.ic.
"a.b" is the root for the .ic file. The .ic file is written in a file named a.b.ic.
"d.e" is the root for other output files. Output files are outdir/d.e.lis, outdir/d.e.tr0, and outdir/d.e.st0.
"a.b" is the root for the .ic file. The .ic file is written in a file named indir/a.b.ic.
"d.e" is the root for the output files.
Star-Hspice Manual - Release 2001.2 - June 2001