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Human and Time

Life is an eternal river

Death is a turn-off, and on again later

World is a university

Cause and effect, Karma, Reincarnation

What is the soul? Car and driver relationship

Video: What you see after death? Steven Jobs: death brings appreciation of life.



Human and Space:7

I mySelf:人Who am I, the meaning of life, health, Self, Buddhahood, ego, wisdom, love, life and death, illness, liberation ...

I and people:文Civilization, man and woman, education, war and peace, forgiveness, politics, rich and poor...

I and natural:科Science, earth, eco, universe, energy, money, vegan, food... 

I and time:长Pass life and futural life, evolution, spiritual journey.

I and ET:ET, Mars, how to talk to ET

人与神上 帝 。天国 。宗教 。天堂 地狱 。修道 。修行 。福报 。祈祷 。业障 。转世 。开悟 。 因果 。佛教 。神通 。打坐 。信仰。精神生活。智慧与人生。

人与幸福:快 乐 幸福。开悟、满足。人生与智慧。平静。夫妻相处之道。素食与健康。灵性而富裕。 金钱财富。疾病。灾难。 原谅。戒律。解梦。解脱 了脱。贪嗔痴。。。。。