剩女也不剩,剩女的爱 点击【http://km2000.us/mywritings/manwoman6.html】图:“不剩”的六项基本原则:两个人一起走,要看着同样的方向 2.有时也要看看多方的眼睛 3.两只手要互相拉着 4.前面的世界很精彩 5.走在铁轨上,要小心 6.掉轨了,再爬上来


1.两个人一起走,要看着同样的方向 2.有时也要看看多方的眼睛 3.两只手要互相拉着 4.前面的世界很精彩 5.走在铁轨上,要小心 6.掉轨了,再爬上来.

剩女也不剩,剩女的爱:点击【http://km2000.us/mywritings/manwoman.html#图:婚姻是一条铁路线,婚姻的六项基本原则_】“不要剩”的六项基本原则:两个人一起走,要看着同样的方向 2.有时也要看看多方的眼睛 3.两只手要互相拉着 4.前面的世界很精彩 5.走在铁轨上,要小心 6.掉轨了,再爬上来



看了半天,才觉得入心的美包含了女人的内在的爱.Who are the most beautiful? When they are in love, they are the most beautiful persons in the world. It does not matter how they look, in their eye, they are just as beautiful as it is, that is the secret of love. Everytime I watch the "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", I have this feeling everytime. It is just beautiful, of that fat, chunky Greek fat little girl. Love starts with the eyes, then the magic, then cannnot live without.

The happiest moment of a woman, 1. when a man offers her a engagement ring; 2. when she tell her husband that she is preganent. Those two are the happiest moment of a woman. Life is an experience for every human being. Life does not mean that you dont have to go through a pain like when delivering a new baby. But life like a new born life is worthwhile of all these experience including the pains.