This section describes new features and enhancements to the metaencrypt functionality supported in version 2001.2 and later.
A new 8-byte key encryption feature based on a 56-bit DES is now available in metaencrypt with versions 2001.2 and above. You can insert data into an include file and encrypt this file using 8-byte key encryption. The encrypted data is in binary format.
metaencrypt -i <infileName> -o <outfileName> -t <keyname>
metaencrypt -i example.dat -o -t fGi85H9b
In version 2001.2 and later, .inc encryption is supported when using 8-byte key encryption. Insert the data to be encrypted into an include file and encrypt this file.
In the following example, example.dat contains data to be encrypted.
metaencrypt -i example.dat -o -t h78Gbvni
.inc $ contains encrypted data
Consider the following rules when employing 8-byte key encryption:
You can encrypt a .sp file in Star-Hspice version 2001.2. The data between .prot and .unpr in a .sp file can be encrypted so that Star-Hspice will recognize it.
...... $ .inc .lib .load should not be contained in encrypted data
Any important information can be placed into a .lib file and can be encrypted.
You can place parallel .lib statements into one library file. Each .lib can then be encrypted separately. However, .prot and .unpr must be placed between each pair of .lib and .endl.
.lib test1 $ .prot , .unpr should be put between .lib and .endl
...... $ data not to be encrypted
.lib test2 $ .prot , .unpr should be put between .lib and .end1
You can insert any important data into a .inc file and encrypt the file. There are no restrictions on the placement of .prot and .unpr.
.prot $ no restriction on the placement of .prot
......$ data to be encrypted should not contain .inc, .lib or .load
You can encrypt a .ic file just like a .inc file.
Star-Hspice version 2001.2 and later can support 1-255 column encryption.
Using .option search for encrypting models and subcircuits is not recommended. This method was supported using the old metaencryption functionality. Subcircuits and model libraries can be encrypted directly using the .inc and .lib encryption method.
The following complete example illustrates the encryption structure.
*test .inc .lib .load encryption
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Star-Hspice Manual - Release 2001.2 - June 2001