最美的女人。女人的美【短的,长的】 【http://km2000.us/mywritings/ai4.html】 女人的内涵可以让美来的长久。对比杨澜的中年和青年,可以看到她是变得越来越有魅力。一个女人,必须做好自己,才会美。这个美比较长久。


Who are the most beautiful? When they are in love, they are the most beautiful persons in the world. It does not matter how they look, in their eye, they are just as beautiful as it is, that is the secret of love. Everytime I watch the "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", I have this feeling everytime. It is just beautiful, of that fat, chunky Greek fat little girl. Love starts with the eyes, then the magic, then cannnot live without.

The happiest moment of a woman:

1. when a man offers her a engagement ring; 2. when she tells her husband that she is preganent. 

恋人之爱婚姻与爱情关于爱, 爱和被爱神性的爱 - 完美的爱
光棍儿的爱孤独=/= 寂寞醉时同交欢,醒时各分散苏格拉底:爱情婚姻外遇、 生活幸福
电影:婚姻这门功课的一些门道 - 你要接受ta的好和坏 婚姻是一杆平衡的秤 鲜花与牛粪的相对性
 视频: 理想的婚姻举例 - soul mate 内在与本质的共同点的吻合 李连杰 王菲和李亚鹏 山口百惠