(He's tricky, isn't he?)
About usA group of elite build this website. We share a same dream, for a better heart and a better world. Road is long, but the goal and direction are definitive and firm. We r just walkers, may or not be able to see the Dream, the journey be happy mixed by pain. About this websiteTo Life. Human life has two: eat and live - physical and soul. 【eat】we should be vegan, because our intake shall not be based on other people (including animals) sufferings. 【think】we have to live our life with spirit and soul. Man is spiritual animal. The world is for us to perfect our soul. We have to take care our soul, follow our heart for the best happiness index.
✦be fond of Our heart is like the Sky, Sky is our dream; our life is like the Earth, the Earth is our root. Our heart flies with dream, yet we shouldn't be away from our life. |